

Introduction to the feature issue: Advances in Optical Biosensors for Biomedical Applications

Authors :- Santosh Kumar, Agostino Iadicicco, Seunghyun Kim, Daniele Tosi, and Carlos Marques

Interferometer-based chemical sensor on chip with enhanced responsivity and low-cost interrogation

Authors :- Flaminia Piretta, Francesca Samà, Francesca Bontempi, Javier Elaskar, Debora Angeloni, and Claudio J. Oton

Dynamic Light Scattering in Biomedical Applications: feature issue introduction

Authors :- Igor Meglinski, Andrew Dunn, Turgut Durduran, Dmitry Postnov, and Dan Zhu

Introduction to the Optical Molecular Probes, Imaging and Drug Delivery 2023 feature issue

Authors :- Mark Niedre, Kimberly S. Samkoe, Susanne Kossatz, Srivalleesha Mallidi, and Kenneth M. Tichauer

Two photon imaging probe with highly efficient autofluorescence collection at high scattering and deep imaging conditions

Authors :- Berk Camli, Liam Andrus, Aditya Roy, Biswajit Mishra, Chris Xu, Irene Georgakoudi, Tomasz Tkaczyk, and Adela Ben-Yakar

Working memory load recognition with deep learning time series classification

Authors :- Richong Pang, Haojun Sang, Li Yi, Chenyang Gao, Hongkai Xu, Yanzhao Wei, Lei Zhang, and Jinyan Sun

STCS-Net: a medical image segmentation network that fully utilizes multi-scale information

Authors :- Pengchong Ma, Guanglei Wang, Tong Li, Haiyang Zhao, Yan Li, and Hongrui Wang

Quantifying image quality in AOSLO images of photoreceptors

Authors :- Brea D. Brennan, Heather Heitkotter, Joseph Carroll, Sergey Tarima, and Robert F. Cooper

NeuroSeg-III: efficient neuron segmentation in two-photon Ca2+ imaging data using self-supervised learning

Authors :- Yukun Wu, Zhehao Xu, Shanshan Liang, Lukang Wang, Meng Wang, Hongbo Jia, Xiaowei Chen, Zhikai Zhao, and Xiang Liao

PSCAT: a lightweight transformer for simultaneous denoising and super-resolution of OCT images

Authors :- Bin Yao, Lujia Jin, Jiakui Hu, Yuzhao Liu, Yuepeng Yan, Qing Li, and Yanye Lu

BFE-Net: bilateral fusion enhanced network for gastrointestinal polyp segmentation

Authors :- Kaixuan Zhang, Dingcan Hu, Xiang Li, Xiaotong Wang, Xiaoming Hu, Chunyang Wang, Jinlin Yang, and Nini Rao

Towards improved 3D reconstruction of cystoscopies through real-time feedback for frame reacquisition

Authors :- Rachel Eimen, Mayaank Pillai, Kristen R. Scarpato, and Audrey K. Bowden

Optofluidic chip with directly printed polymer optical waveguide Mach-Zehnder interferometer sensors for label-free biodetection

Authors :- Han Wang, Zhituo Chen, Taige Li, Huimin Xie, Bohan Yin, Siu Hong Dexter Wong, Yaocheng Shi, and A. Ping Zhang

Piston-based specimen holder for rapid surgical and biopsy specimen imaging

Authors :- Chi Z. Huang, Vincent D. Ching-Roa, Connor M. Heckman, William H Sipprell, Sherrif F. Ibrahim, Bruce R. Smoller, and Michael G. Giacomelli

Visualization of carious lesions with polarized and depolarized light microscopy

Authors :- Julia Grundmann, Jonas Golde, Svea Steuer, Florian Tetschke, Lars Kirsten, Julia Walther, Edmund Koch, and Christian Hannig

Multimodal illumination platform for 3D single-molecule super-resolution imaging throughout mammalian cells

Authors :- Tyler Nelson, Sofía Vargas-Hernández, Margareth Freire, Siyang Cheng, and Anna-Karin Gustavsson

Two-photon autofluorescence lifetime assay of rabbit photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium during light-dark visual cycles in rabbit retina

Authors :- Trung Duc Nguyen, Yuan-I Chen, Anh-Thu Nguyen, Siem Yonas, Manasa P. Sripati, Yu-An Kuo, Soonwoo Hong, Mitchell Litvinov, Yujie He, Hsin-Chih Yeh, and H. Grady Rylander

Widely tunable fiber optical parametric oscillator synchronized with a Ti:sapphire laser for stimulated Raman scattering microscopy

Authors :- Shun Takahashi, Kenichi Oguchi, Kento Kamei, Takaha Mizuguchi, Spencer J. Spratt, and Yasuyuki Ozeki

Analysis of age-related changes in the left ventricular myocardium with multiphoton microscopy

Authors :- Juan M. Bueno, Rosa M. Martínez-Ojeda, María Pérez-Zabalza, Laura García-Mendívil, M. Carmen Asensio, Laura Ordovás, and Esther Pueyo

Tunable liquid lens for three-photon excitation microscopy

Authors :- Samuel D. Gilinsky, Diane N. Jung, Greg L. Futia, Mo Zohrabi, Tarah A. Welton, Omkar D. Supekar, Emily A. Gibson, Diego Restrepo, Victor M. Bright, and Juliet T. Gopinath

MEMO: dataset and methods for robust multimodal retinal image registration with large or small vessel density differences

Authors :- Chiao-Yi Wang, Faranguisse Kakhi Sadrieh, Yi-Ting Shen, Shih-En Chen, Sarah Kim, Victoria Chen, Achyut Raghavendra, Dongyi Wang, Osamah Saeedi, and Yang Tao

SERS-based long-term mitochondrial pH monitoring during differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells to neural progenitor cells

Authors :- Liwei Yang, Xiaoya Bu, Xiaoxu Lu, Jianhui Wan, Xiao Zhang, Weina Zhang, and Liyun Zhong

Spectral characterization of a blue light-emitting micro-LED platform on skin-associated microbial chromophores

Authors :- Hannah J. Serrage, Charlotte J. Eling, Pedro U. Alves, Enyuan Xie, Andrew J. McBain, Martin D. Dawson, Catherine O’Neill, and Nicolas Laurand

Optical-coherence-tomography-based deep-learning scatterer-density estimator using physically accurate noise model

Authors :- Thitiya Seesan, Pradipta Mukherjee, Ibrahim Abd El-Sadek, Yiheng Lim, Lida Zhu, Shuichi Makita, and Yoshiaki Yasuno

Megahertz multi-parametric ophthalmic OCT system for whole eye imaging

Authors :- Yicheng Hu, Yutao Feng, Xing Long, Dongye Zheng, Gangjun Liu, Yanye Lu, Qiushi Ren, and Zhiyu Huang

Dynamic tracking of onion-like carbon nanoparticles in cancer cells using limited-angle holographic tomography with self-supervised learning

Authors :- Yakun Liu, Wen Xiao, Xi Xiao, Hao Wang, Ran Peng, Yuchen Feng, Qi Zhao, and Feng Pan

Deep learning based characterization of human organoids using optical coherence tomography

Authors :- Bingjie Wang, Razieh Ganjee, Irona Khandaker, Keevon Flohr, Yuanhang He, Guang Li, Joshua Wesalo, José-Alain Sahel, Susana da Silva, and Shaohua Pi

Neural-network based high-speed volumetric dynamic optical coherence tomography

Authors :- Yusong Liu, Ibrahim Abd El-Sadek, Rion Morishita, Shuichi Makita, Tomoko Mori, Atsuko Furukawa, Satoshi Matsusaka, and Yoshiaki Yasuno

Dual-channel air-pulse optical coherence elastography for frequency-response analysis

Authors :- Chengjin Song, Weichao He, Jinping Feng, Michael D. Twa, Yanping Huang, Jingjiang Xu, Jia Qin, Lin An, Xunbin Wei, and Gongpu Lan

Panretinal handheld OCT angiography for pediatric retinal imaging

Authors :- Shuibin Ni, Guangru Ben Liang, Ringo Ng, Susan Ostmo, Yali Jia, Michael F. Chiang, David Huang, Alison H. Skalet, Benjamin K. Young, J. Peter Campbell, and Yifan Jian

In-vivo characterization of scleral rigidity in myopic eyes using fundus-pulsation optical coherence elastography

Authors :- Zhaoyu Gong, Karine D. Bojikian, Andrew Chen, Philip P. Chen, Kasra A. Rezaei, Lisa C. Olmos, Raghu C. Mudumbai, Jonathan Li, Daniel M. Schwartz, and Ruikang K. Wang

Highly-selective optical filter for NADH fluorescence detection in multiphoton microscopy

Authors :- R. B. Freitas, M. J. L. F. Rodrigues, S. Pimenta, M. Belsley, J. H. Correia, and M. J. Maciel

SERS detection platform based on a nucleic acid aptamer-functionalized Au nano-dodecahedron array for efficient simultaneous testing of colorectal cancer-associated microRNAs

Authors :- Shuofeng Zhang, Fengsong Chen, Yanqing Zhang, Yemin Xu, Lu Wang, Xiya Wang, Long Jia, Yong Chen, Yongcheng Xu, Zhengrong Zhang, and Bin Deng

Biocompatibility and radiosensitivity of a fiber optical-based dosimeter: biological applications

Authors :- Adel S. A. Elsharkawi, Huda A. Elazab, Mostafa A. Askar, Ibrahim Y. Abdelrahman, Amany A. Arafa, Lofty R. Gomma, and Yu-Lung Lo

Selective activation of photoactivatable fluorescent protein based on binary holography

Authors :- Yintao Wang, Zhenyu Bi, Yutong Song, Liting Duan, and Shih-Chi Chen

Rapid and accurate identification of stem cell differentiation stages via SERS and convolutional neural networks

Authors :- Xiao Zhang, Jianhui Wan, Tao Huang, Ping Tang, Liwei Yang, Xiaoya Bu, Weina Zhang, and Liyun Zhong

Trehalose and its dihydrate: terahertz insights from solid to solution states

Authors :- Boyan Zhang, Zeyu Hou, Bingxin Yan, Yuhan Zhao, Bo Peng, Siyu Qian, Kai Li, Bo Su, and Cunlin Zhang

Effect of transdermal drug delivery patches on the stratum corneum: in vivo inspection with a handheld terahertz probe

Authors :- Arturo I. Hernandez-Serrano, Xuefei Ding, Goncalo Costa, Gabit Nurumbetov, David M. Haddleton, and Emma Pickwell-MacPherson

Collagen organization and structure in FBLN5-/- mice using label-free microscopy: implications for pelvic organ prolapse

Authors :- Christian M. Jennings, Andrew C. Markel, Mari J. E. Domingo, Kristin S. Miller, Carolyn L. Bayer, and Sapun H. Parekh

Label-free differentiation of functional zones in mature mouse placenta using micro-Raman imaging

Authors :- Arda Inanc, Nayce Ilayda Bektas, Ibrahim Kecoglu, Ugur Parlatan, Begum Durkut, Melike Ucak, Mehmet Burcin Unlu, and Ciler Celik-Ozenci

Dynamic refraction and anterior segment OCT biometry during accommodation

Authors :- Heather Durkee, Marco Ruggeri, Leana Rohman, Siobhan Williams, Arthur Ho, Jean-Marie Parel, and Fabrice Manns

Theoretical impact of chromatic aberration correction on visual acuity

Authors :- Derek Nankivil, Nicolas P. Cottaris, and David H. Brainard

Assessment of power spectral density of microvascular hemodynamics in skeletal muscles at very low and low-frequency via near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopies: erratum

Authors :- Caterina Amendola, Mauro Buttafava, Talyta Carteano, Letizia Contini, Lorenzo Cortese, Turgut Durduran, Lorenzo Frabasile, Claudia Nunzia Guadagno, Umut Karadeniz, Michele Lacerenza, Jaume Mesquida, S